refugees, the immigrants, the women, the homosexuals, the low paid, the slackers, the climate, the “woke agenda”, the illuminati, airplanes’ contrails….
Have a look at the tables and (play a bit) here, and try again.
Wealth is produced. A lot of wealth. Not only is it amassed at the wealthiest 0.001-1%, but there’s a massive redistribution taking place as well. Though instead of (wealth-wise) downwards, as up to a point it used to be till the 80s (deregulation of finance + fall of USSR), it’s transferring wealth from the most financially vulnerable, who are now the vast majority, to a tiny but increasingly powerful top.
Yes, our societies are going to hell. Who is to blame, though? Is it indeed other unfortunate people the world over? Is it discriminated against groups of society? Is it those who fight for human rights? Those who fight so that living standards and quality of life improve for the majority (sure, those of billionaires won’t improve, there’s no higher)?
And yet, there are people who can’t make ends meet and feverishly worship their oppressors. They perceive as messiahs those responsible for their deterioration; theirs, and of the whole society, of whole countries. They are fighting against other people to support the right of their idols to be that rich. They believe that all this wealth is produced simply by their spirit and charm (and their immensely harder work and their iq that reaches the Moon, even though they don’t design or produce anything themselves), there are no workers who produce it but never receive what corresponds to the wealth they are producing. They passionately support profit maximization – which will be our downfall – and shareholder value, of which not only will they never see any part, but for these to be achieved for that 1% and its court, they themselves will be sucked dry and impoverished further. And they keep worshiping them. And they construct imaginary enemies – those who fight for them too.
Is it a coincidence that billionaires support alt right and far right groups and parties, intervening even in the internal affairs of “allied” countries? Is it a coincidence that they seek to aim people’s anger for their predicament towards the weak, and while the majority of people, of people whose life is going at a slower or faster pace to waste, fight with each other, they don’t look towards those who actually steal their lives, dreams, future, right to wellbeing, for lots of people even the right to live?
They speak of “sheep” and
brainwashing by the “woke culture”, oblivious to reality that looks them in the
eye, to who are those swayed by demagogues and turn themselves into their army,
their unpaid army, their voluntary army, expecting perhaps breadcrumbs they
will never see, gratitude and recognition from any almost trillionaire dense
dude who poses as genius or they elevate as such, they will never get. For they
don’t exist, for them, as anything but fuel.
Reality is before our eyes. Our countries go to hell indeed, and those to blame are the..
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