6 Αυγούστου 2015

Greece, the 51st state!

Well, I’d say, screw the EU, and let’s apply to become the 51st state of USA. If we can’t go it alone, why not just join the most powerful player around, the 4th century BCE Athens of the 20th and 21st century? Then we get US military, US government, US system – the only downside I find is free guns (and the NHS, already getting dismantled here.  And possibly some bombs :p) – among other things. They get elongated history (:p), enhanced national pride (:p), and enhanced strategic position in the world (oh the bombs :p), a beautiful overseas territory (again, among other things, yes!). Oh, and some extra debt :p Well, minimal compared to their existing one. And with their system, things might actually begin to work here. So, there. Better marriage. Now, only thing left, is for Greeks and USAmericans to agree and for our governments to do so too :p

PS1: The UK would feel so passed over :D

PS2: Written in English because, you know, blogs influence politics :p

1 σχόλιο:

Unknown είπε...

Εμ,κάτι άκυρο.
Έχεις δει True Detective;
Αν όχι, και έχεις τον απαιτούμενο χρόνο ψήσου να το δεις
και τις δύο σεζον αν γίνεται
Μετά ας συζητήσουμε αυτό

''True Detective, Season 2, Episode 5:

One day you might find cause to ask yourself
what the limit is to some pain you’re experiencing

you’ll find out there is no limit at all.
Pain is inexhaustible.

It’s only people that get exhausted.

I have this new program, see.

Because my powers of influence
are so meager in this sublunar world of ours,
I try to limit the people I can disappoint.

And I make sure to know the difference
between my obligations and somebody else’s.

Note: That line has been pointed at, across medias, as bad writing because of “who talks like that?” My comment to that is: bad writing that comes around and it is good. No one asks for realism when realism doesn’t add anything. There is not intent for authentic dialogue there, and so no fault.

True Detective is “written”. Charged with meaning, an artificial world. It’s set after the world has already ended. All characters are afterimages on a stage, manipulated as puppets without choice. They are only alive because they suffer. Episode 5 is a distillation of why human beings are utter shit. It’s literally post-apocalyptic setting''